I found Will, cosy on the couch, wrapped up in a quilt.
"This is the best quilt, Mom!" he said with a sleepy smile.
We have numerous blankets and comforters. What makes that quilt so special?
I have fond memories of all my grandparents (now deceased). MaMa Thomas was known for her quilts. It was one of the ways she showed love to people. I treasure all of the quilts she gave me over the years.
Will never got to meet MaMa. When MaMa got word that I was having pregnancy complications at seven months gestation, she started having chest pains and was hospitalized. Will was born a couple of days later, seven weeks early. He had no health problems from his premature arrival, but had to stay in neonatal ICU until he was big enough to come home. MaMa, along with the rest of our family and friends, was very happy. Having lost two babies of her own, her heart was aching for us, hoping and praying for the best. However, she did not recover and died a week after Will's birth.
I was recovering from the pregnancy complications, plus the emergency C-section, and my doctor wouldn't allow me to travel back home for her funeral.
Even though Will never met MaMa, I am certain he can feel her love when he wraps up in one of her quilts. That's what makes it especially cozy!
These cool nights and quilts have made me think about the gifts we give one another. There are certainly many wonderful things out there to choose from when selecting a gift. The displays at stores are gorgeous and well planned. Internet shopping is a breeze, from flowers to jewelry to pajamas. It isn't at all difficult to find something wonderful to give someone when the occasion arises.
However, as wonderful as these gifts are, I think the gifts that bless us the most are the gifts that cost the giver something more than money. The gifts that take our time, our effort, our creativity--those are the gifts that mean the very most--gifts that contain a part of the giver.
This also makes me think about our involvements. We hear of a need and it is so much easier to pull out our checkbook than it is to give of our time, our sweat, our efforts. Money is important, but what I remember most are the times I was willing to invest myself into helping meet a need.
Share how you have found this to be true in your life.