Friday, May 30, 2008

Great Weekend!

May 15-18, 2008, I was visiting Cleveland, OH, with the other 70 women who, along with me, comprise the Sweet Adelines chorus Sounds of Pittsburgh. We had such a great weekend!

I have been in this chorus for less than a year. Other members' tenure varies, but many have been involved for a long time. For the last several years, achieving a first place finish at this annual regional competition has eluded the chorus. We spent so much time and effort in preparation this year that we all arrived in Cleveland with high hopes, expecting this to be our year!

Our performance took place Saturday afternoon, 11th competitor out of 13 competing choruses from this region, which includes choruses from Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. After the last competing chorus, they starting announcing the winning choruses. We sat there anxiously awaiting the decision of the four judges. We sat nervously as they progressed in their announcements from 5th place, to 4th, to 3rd, then to 2nd. When we did not get second place, our chorus exploded in cheers because we all but knew we had indeed come in first! There was so much cheering that we could barely hear it when they announced Sounds of Pittsburgh 1st place! The whole chorus was invited onto the stage to receive our champion medals, placed around each of our necks by last years champion chorus members from Cleveland. After many hugs, smiles and happy tears, we immediately performed our up-tune song again, this time with a feeling of triumph!

I was so glad Tim had the time to ride up for the day with another chorus member's husband and daughter. It was so great to hold his hand as I waited for the announcement, plus be surrounded by my fellow chorus members. What a moment! I will never forget it!

This qualifies our chorus to compete at the international level in the fall of 2009. The competition will be held in one of my favorite cities: Nashville, TN. We'll be ready!